In this post, I will share with you why it’s important to keep your website design simple.
Your website is one of your most important marketing tools, so it’s important to keep the design simple and easy to navigate. When it comes to website design, less is definitely more. A cluttered, confusing website will only drive potential customers away, so focus on creating a clean, sleek design that is easy to use.
Do you keep your website design simple?
A lot of websites are unclear, difficult to navigate and offer an overwhelming amount of information. Visitors don’t stick around simply because it’s not easy to navigate.
If your website resembles a chaotic mess, then you’ll lose out on prospective clients.
A simple website design makes it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. They can quickly scan the page and see the most important information without getting overwhelmed by too much text or too many pictures. And if you have a clear call-to-action on your website, they’ll know exactly what you want them to do next.
So keep things simple.
Humans love simplicity. In fact, our brains are wired to love simplicity.
If things get a bit complicated, our brain begins to get tired. If fonts are difficult to read or if the copy is too complex, it’s difficult to process the information. And website visitors don’t have the patience trying to figure out what is being said on the site.
It needs to be clear and easy to understand. So keep your website design simple.
Of course, simplicity doesn’t mean your website has to be boring. You can still use colour and imagery to make your website visually appealing. Just make sure that the overall design is clean and easy to navigate.
Here are five tips to simplify your website:
1. Minimise clicks
The goal of any website design should be to make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for with minimal effort. One way to achieve this is by minimising the number of clicks required to navigate the site.
Every click represents a barrier that potential customers must overcome in order to find what they’re looking for. The more clicks required, the greater the chance that visitors will simply give up and go elsewhere.
Don’t send visitors on a treasure hunt for your contact details!
By reducing the number of clicks needed to find information on your site, you’ll make it more user-friendly and increase the chances that visitors will stick around.
You need to find out what the top things are that potential clients are looking for. Then make these pages easily accessible.
2. Feed your blog with information but keep the other web pages concise
I often see key pages that are stuffed with information and go on forever. You are not writing a novel.
Keep your key pages concise. If you want to share information about your modality or the origin of coaching or anything else that is related but not essential to know, write about it on your blog.
You can express yourself to your heart’s content on your blog. Write as much as you like in the blog posts.
3. Ask for as little information as needed on the contact form
If you can, just ask for the first name and email address. Make your contact forms easy to fill out. Don’t overcomplicate things.
4. Have a maximum of 7 menu items in your top menu bar
Keep your main menu (that’s at the top of your page) to a maximum of seven items. The reason for this is that short-term memory can only hold seven items. Anything more, and we start to feel overwhelmed and can’t take in the information.
You can have a full menu in your footer. There you can include your privacy policy and other pages that don’t need to be visible on the main menu.
5. Keep your About page concise
Storytelling is powerful. But that doesn’t mean that you need to share your whole life story with your readers. Keep it short. Only share what’s relevant and which helps your readers to make a connection with you.
By following these tips, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and easy to use. Remember, simplicity is key when it comes to website design.
And if you want some help with your website, then get in touch.
Let’s chat about your website!